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An ode to the "vag"?

Inspired by Geogia, we head to Ghost Ranch her one time home after leaving New York with her husband (the cheater) Alfred. Beautiful terrain, cutting through a couple of native reservations. Appears to be a lot of poverty in this state; a number of businesses are closed and you don’t see a lot of people out and about. Even out here in the ranch land I’ve seen just a handful of cattle; not like what we are used to at home. We hit Ghost Ranch and head for the most scenic hike, the Kitchen Mesa. So much different from the Bear Wallow hike, we are out and up in high desert, up in the sky at points

I’m starting to feel like my old self, the person I used to be even before I got married. Not cleansed of the bullshit yet, but feeling different, at least for today

We head back to town, we hit La Fonda, discuss Georgia. We find a great place for an early dinner, since neither one of us has eaten much over the weekend; enjoy a couple of steaks, hit the hotel, snuggled in, doing silly stuff like checking email and posting to Instagram. I’m hopeful that Instagram won’t suddenly suggest I follow HIM; I didn’t normally do Instagram but Lynn turned me on to it again and it’s fun. I venture into social media tentatively.

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