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Let's meet the "playas"

Since many of my posts will involve my various challenges, mishaps and the odd triumph or two related to my day to day routine, let’s get acquainted with the primary playas (players in non-ghetto speak, mom). Meet my two dogs. Some people like to call them ‘fur babies’...uh, no thanks. Clearly they have fur and clearly they aren’t babies. If I actually birthed a baby covered in fur and whiskers, I’d run for zee hills – but I digress.

First there’s Basil – born in 2004. He’s a rat terrier, a serious bundle of nerves and exuberance.

SUCH A FACE! this is his "class picture"

at his former doggy day care

Basil is the KING of the 'side-eye'. Example: "girl, please"

While I was married, I had long wanted to get another dog. My former husband (FH? I need to come up with a good abbreviation) finally came around to the idea, I think in part based on an exchange we had after my friend Lynn’s oldest dog died (she had two dogs at the time). Now this is not a verbatim exchange as it was so long ago, but it went something along the lines of (me) “I need a buffer dog” – (him) “a what”?- (me) “a buffer dog…..because when Basil’s time comes I’m going to be in open loop grief. You might want to ponder how THAT is going to play itself out for you….” (him) silently envisioning his future with no buffer. SOLD!

So, we eventually got Saffron – born in 2014. She’s a Decker terrier, which is considered a “giant” rat terrier. She's my beefcake beauty queen.

That being said, she is also lovingly known as "left-eye Lopez" because she has a bit of a wonky eye......

These two rascally terriers (I like to call them my terrorists, but that kind of talk gets you stopped at the border!) are a couple of my biggest motivators to get up and moving everyday.

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